Bring Peace & Fulfillment Back Into Your Life

Grief can be a lonely journey filled with guilt and sorrow. Sadly, even though it is something everyone goes through at some time in their lives, grief is not something we learn about or prepare for ahead of time. Just like running a marathon, you need to train and be prepared or you struggle. If you are grieving, and need some support, encouragement and someone to talk to that really gets it, give grief coaching a try.

After losing her mom through a grueling battle with leukemia, and 9 years later losing her second husband to suicide, Michelle went to work learning all she could about how yoga, meditation and mindfulness can support emotional resilience. Through training as a grief educator, Michelle has learned the language of grief, and how to offer foundational support to others who are going through grief.

How You Live Life Matters

Free Strategy Call

Life happens...

...and it can be a challenge. Every minute is precious. Don’t just
get through it, GROW THROUGH IT! Find true inner bliss, not by waiting
for people or things outside of you to make you happy, but by
strengthening your resilience through practicing self-care and
self-awareness. Bring yourself into balance and uncover your true
joyful, healthy nature. Joy is internal and eternal, it’s time to
uncover the joyful being that is already inside you!

What You’ll Do Before the Call

Understand that life can be challenging and difficult. Know that Michelle has found power through her own difficult times. There is no judgment here.

What Happens During the Call

Michelle will listen, empathize, and give insight into what a healing journey might look like. Be prepared to listen and feel validated.

What Changes After the Call

A discovery call with Michelle will allow you to consider your options - things to do as a result of the call or as a client in her pathway through the journey of healing.


"I began working with Michelle after I experienced her teaching meditation and mindfulness at a women’s retreat. I was very anxious, worried about some health issues a family member was having. After just a few coaching sessions with Michelle, my life was completely changed. I felt empowered to take control of my emotions instead of letting them control me. I am able to focus on ease and joy, meditate regularly and overall just feel better. Thank you so much Michelle! I feel like whatever my next challenge is, I can handle it, and if I feel like it’s too much, I know you are the BEST resource to help me handle stress in a healthy way." --LL

Why Michelle Recommends Having a

Free Consultation Call

Michelle empathizes with you and your experiences. Having incurred her own struggles, Michelle learned how to recover from grief and trauma. As a wellness coach, grief coach, and yoga instructor, she can help you as well.

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Improve Your Life!